Apr 1, 2011

Quote Of The Day (4/1/2011)

"Two Boulders in a lake are worth more than 1000 pebbles in the sea."-Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Quote Of Day (3/31/2011)

"Its good to know how to win. Its better to not know how to lose."-Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Quote Of The Day (3/30/2011)

"Chasing money is always encouraged, but never engage in hostile conflict for gains.  No amount is worth the blessing of life."-Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Mar 29, 2011

Black Mother Of The Earth

So stood strong the black mother of the earth
Heart slumped from the heavy rains
Through the floods of deep pain does she remain...
Feeding wisdom to delinquent boys running loose
Yet paused abruptly they were by her firm hand and deep truths
These will not be their roots, 
As she laid her seeds and face dirty palms sweaty from the gardening of trees
Green in nature as beautiful as God intended to be
Raising delinquency into obsequious men she did
In societies rays of hate, and dissipating ways
Yes she would give her last breath to the protection of her kid
Her tree, this garden...filled with weeds.
Hands and knees will she pull from the ground
For as long as God willing she will be the last woman standing
For when all else falls down.
So stood the black mother of the Earth..
This is your turf and we lie guest to it
You have made me and I attest to this..
You are the beauty beyond the sun itself
And your dedication may remain stealth
But your heart beats ever so loudly
The beat of the Earth...lies in your chest
As you take each breath...ever so deep
The world spins unknowing, when it should be kissing your feet.

Definition Of Nice
Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.

Quote Of The Day (3/29/2011)

"Your imperfections are your calling card. They are your remedy to conformity. The recipe to your soul. The facts upon opinions, and the combination to find only one person on this Earth. You." -Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Mar 28, 2011

Quote Of The Day (3/28/2011)

"Hold your head high at your lowest moment. No matter how troubling your life becomes, there are others in a worse predicament."- Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Quote Of The Day (3/27/2011)

"Knowledge is taught, wisdom is gained with the gift of time"-Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Quote Of The Day (3/26/2011)

"Leaving a relationship without giving reason is like a bleeding wound.  It will never close properly and result in a slow painful death inside."- Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)