Apr 14, 2011

Quote Of The Day (4/14/2011)

"Talent accompanied by intelligence breeds innovation with a touch of elegance." -Definition Of Nice

Apr 13, 2011

Quote Of The Day (4/13/2011)

"It's not always about where your going, but who your going there with." -Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Quote Of The Day (4/12/2011)

"You can be your own worst enemy.  So aside from keeping your enemies close, keep your mind focused." -Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Apr 12, 2011

Quote Of The Day (4/11/2011)

"Many animated people try hard to not be fake. They are just regurgitated versions of the word Real." -Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Apr 10, 2011

Quote Of The Day (4/10/2011)

"Laughter is the kin for happiness, just as sorrow is the seed of misery." -Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Quote Of The Day (4/9/2011)

"Change is the only thing constant in life. Adapt or drown in the sea of conformity" -Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Quote Of The Day (4/8/2011)

"She is the sunshine of my life, even through the storm." -Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Quote Of The Day (4/7/2011)

"What you stand for makes your identity, so never falter, or be another breeze in the wind." -Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Quote Of The Day (4/6/2011)

"Never apologize for the truth, so long as the truth is what you always speak." -Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)