Apr 21, 2011

Quote Of The Day (4/18/2011)

"More money does not mean more problems. It only escalates the ones you carried up the ladder with you." - Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Quote Of The Day (4/17/2011)

"You accomplish more when focusing on smaller portions heavily, rather than doing a little of everything all at once." - Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Apr 20, 2011

Quote Of The Day (4/16/2011

"Being more like me and less like you is what I call #winning" - Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)

Apr 19, 2011

Quote Of The Day (4/15/2011)

"Can't stress on what you didn't do, just work hard on what you can do." - Definition Of Nice (Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.)