Feb 28, 2011

Break Up

The worse is reminiscing...
Thinking, mourning of what u missing,
All the hugs and kissing...blissful,
Turned into the devils blessings,
No resting,
The yelling,
Falling but no catching,
The ending....crashing,
Heart has taken 1000 lashings,
Depressing...what a cycle...
When smiles stretch over miles,
When the heart felt it was hopscotching the tiles,
They were hot and your dislikes were mild,
Like a child, laughing, giggling , and magic...
That's what we had and the beauty of it was sad,
Cause the tears drawn now...are bad,
Our feelings were not a fad,
Nor a trend , we begin, again, anew, with no you?
Life lies, and ill never again fly so high...to the sky,
Now to hell, only there I hear you yell, where I’ll b is my Intel, and in time you’ll never tell,
But here ...memories, felt like tender victories,
Like God himself befriended me, inspired my sympathy, grew to be my Achilles...
I unwelcome thee...yet I will never regret she...for the pieces you stole would mean..
I’d have to regret me...

Definition Of Nice
Tyrone Alcorn

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