Mar 10, 2011

A Cry To The Lord

I have to know
Just HAVE to know
Why must it be I

You test me day in day out
I try so hard to figure what it’s about
I have nothing but hatrid and lies
Surround me like nagging black flies

The constant misdemeanor
Give me a sign cause Im eager
To see a glimpse of light
In my long path of darkness

Nothing goes right
You set things so distinctly in my way
So I may fall, although I pray and pray

Now I pray
But what am I to say
At times it would be proper to say I hate you...
But never would I say a lie so untrue

It hurts though
So bad,
More than sad
So tired
Fighting through this burrow

I feel I will never get to the end
The light
I want to arrive to its calling
But confused to where I begin

I begin to correct
But yet you misdirect
Or are you?
Maybe I really am a fool

Someone who fights to achieve
Personalized by his distinct gifts
In a world filled with the ordinary
OO if only my life were so easy

You gave me life
Birth into a carnivorous world
Built me to be a lion
But gave the heart of bird

Why do you let it hurt like so
Your plan seem so bold
Am I a mistake making right
Or the right to a wrong path

The family
Brothers, Sisters
They are here to guide and influence
But yet I feel alone
So alone...

No one out there can feel my pain
You put others with worse
Yet I sometime shout your name in vain
On times where I believe you bestole a curse

Is this a destiny to a future unseen
Some sign to test my faith
Something I fail to lack
For every 1st Sunday it is your blood I taste

So I ask you
A human
Your Creation
Your Child
Your Blood
Why must you hurt me so?

Definition Of Nice
Tyrone Alcorn

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