Mar 10, 2011

How To Love A Black Man

The First thing you must understand
there's no easy way to love a black man
you've got to figure him out
learn what he's about
and know he's someone you can't live without

Then kill him with kindness
shower him with sweetness
but never let him mistake your kindness for weakness

It's hard for him to give himself to you
so be appreciative of the little things he tries to do
let him know he can trust in you
and in return he won’t have to hide things from you

So be supportive
Be his friend, not his foe
When he makes a mistake don't say I told you so

Be understanding not demanding
Let him unwind
he faces a world of rain
so be his sunshine

Don’t get too cozy in the comfort zone
You take him for granted and you'll end up alone
Keep love exciting, Go the extra mile
Keep finding ways to make him smile

Remember to be sexy cause without a doubt
He wants to be proud when he takes you out
Don’t let yourself go, don’t forget about YOU
Love yourself and he will love you too

Don’t smother the man
Let him breathe
The tighter you hold him
The faster he will leave

And when you love him
Love him all the way down
Don’t be afraid to explore him pound for pound

If you don’t give him what he needs to feel
Its guaranteed that someone else will
If you provide for him
He'll provide for you again and again

Be honest
Be patient
and demand respect
and a wonderful black man is what you will get

Show him your pride
Stand by his side
Let God be your guide
and Love will Abide


1 comment:

  1. ok i completely agree with this and i think this is beautiful. you should publish some of your stuff. its extremely good. i love this poem. its inspiring :)


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