Mar 18, 2011

Letter To Love

Dear Love,

From the first moments I spoke your name
My World was never the same
Never before did you knock at my heart
Yet I think now its time you start
Crashing my sanctuary I call my soul
It was you who could bring true happiness
Or so I was told...
Instead you are the cuddly dog yet ravenous
Gnarring, tearing my heart to shreds
A wounded soul cries from the eyes it bled
How dare you intrude when I was so weak
They say it will be better but the future looks bleak
I hate you!
So much its beyond truth
I’ve rebuilt my heart now with a door
My strength is high and my feeling restored
You come knocking at my door Apologizing
Wrong for letting you go?
Save your chastising
Yet you walk in anyway
This time I’m stronger
Why I try so hard but you refuse to stay!
My pain just extends longer
You bring the improper balance of pleasure and pain
How dare people take you and use your name in vain
The pain you cause
The joy you bring
I am taking my pause
Whether it be a knock or a ring
My heart is titanium
Locked behind a steal door sealed tight
Twice two many have you hurt me with nothing in return
Tired of waiting up all night
So I write you now
You should humbly take your bow
Succeeding in successfully disrupting my life
You are never welcome again
IM DONE with your pain and strife
A new life of happiness without you I begin

Definition Of Nice
Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.

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