Mar 15, 2011

One Task Too Hard

Wow why me I ask!?
To complete such an incredible task
You've lead me on a incredible path
But one so deep as if I were drowning in a bath

Why would you give me 
A task with many variables
One questioning who I am to be
But is jus a long hard parable

Feels like I've been stabbed with a knife
Because your task is filled with such pain and strife
Hurting me deeply with each blow u throw
Jus how much can i take it or go?

You want me to be the best I can be
Yet you send so many obstacles and hatred to stop me
I feel you want me to be happy and have enjoyment
But for 10 seconds of happiness, I gain plenty of disappointment

You sure this task is for me?
Because the words 'I give up' I decree
But I've come way too far to let go now
To fulfill this task, I must first pick my courage off the ground

What task can be so hard you may ask?
A task we must all carry out through good and bad
Some take it fully, some have trouble, some gave up without a fight
But one thing you count on, we all have the task of living our life

Definition Of Nice
Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.

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