Feb 14, 2011

Black Valentines Day

A day for love?
You…want ME to celebrate the inequities of love!?
Pain, agony, suffering, depressions…of love??
For my heart is a cracked pot…
While the love boat toots and birds sing of what I have not!
Maybe the millions out there, mark me, declare me a grinch…
But the BILLIONS out there would pray this day be lynched!
Love comes and love goes, oo believe me I know
But this day is no reason to love a girl…nor a hoe…
Lets face it, by the mass medium of males?
Many pray on the weak and tell them tall tales
All for some tail?
Temporary Love is the worst deception
So my heart bleeds for those on the 15th with no recollection
The angel Cupid may shoot for romance
But in a pool of broken hearts he has the grand collection
His practice I rebuke and those wings? Remove
A man he shall be like any other, wear the shoes
So why is this day happy when most of the world is sad
Try spreading love EVERY day maybe it wont be bad
A valentine….oo my valentine of mine
I choose love itself, my feelings are benign
I choose to upgrade you, make you better
Send you around in the worlds biggest letter
And you shall be renown 
To the broken hearts and shattered souls
Where pain is all they know 
Seal the cracks in the pot, plant a seed in their heart
Watch an authenticated art, of true love that grows.
Definition Of Nice 

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