Feb 13, 2011

Mama Oh Mama

Mama oh mama
What’s with all the drama
all the chaos and destruction
the kingdom we built now regressed to nothin

Mama oh mama
why you put up with him
The n**ga cheating telling you lies
and everyday you always cry

Mama oh mama
what happen to family
My brothers, my sisters
My aunties, My uncles

Mama oh mama
Why is the world crooked
filled with murderers, drugs
rapist and thugs

Mama oh mama
why can't the world be more like you
Strong black woman who takes
nothing but utmost respect

Mama oh mama
can't you see
this world is not ready
for a woman as confident as you

Mama oh mama
the world doesn’t judge with character
they judge with color
and outside posture

Mama oh mama
I want to be saved
saved from the life
of this damned Earth

Mama oh mama
how do you do it?
that invisible force within
To survive this world filled with sin

Mama oh mama
you showed me a way
a way other than the path set
of who I am expected to be

Mama oh mama
thank you for saving me
I am now free from the unthoughtful
dreaded nightmare of being Everyone else.

Definition Of Nice

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