Feb 23, 2011


I'd write you a letter
But it wouldn't be as good
I'd tell you to your face
If only I could

I knew you were special
Since the day we met
To our very first kiss
My mind won't let me forget

We talked about everything
Cause you was my cool girl
Right then we were something
We became Us and you were my world

Life was a like a fairytale
Thoughtless and naive
We were inseparable always
You said 'I love you' and I agreed

Three Words easier said than swallowed
Hit me hard like bullets anything but hollow
They felt it was untrue but what I said I meant
Made sure that I showed it with every second we spent

You broke my heart once 
For reasons unseen
There was a pain left unbearable
Lungs torn out so no air to scream

Your is beauty immaculate
Your smile is blinding
Some how you kept me trapped
Your charm is so astounding

For more reasons then another
We avoided each other
I was through with you
Or so I thought...but not true

I've replaced you with many
And was frequently annoyed
Looks they had plenty
But they couldn't fill the void

I question myself Day In Day Out
Trying to figure why, WHY I wept
Well the answer is simple, its what this is about
I love you and its a secret well kept

I mean no harm 
From the remarks I say
No interference no alarm
I'm not stealing his place

Maybe more than just a love 
But a first love I might state
Though I've felt a similar joy
No higher pain I can relate

Twice you asked why?
Why I love you so?
I told you when I cried
But Ill again let you know

Your beautiful beyond measure
Your intelligent and humorous
Your smile always brings pleasure
You understand me more than others creates a strong bond between us

Your you
And forever will be true
Which is why I will always love you.

Definition Of Nice
Tyrone Alcorn

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