Feb 23, 2011


Why am I confused u ask
A simple statement couldn’t answer that
There’s many reasons as to why
The many questions asked is my reply

Why did I fall for you?
Thinking I'd find something true
Why do u want Him?
Knowing that he'll just hurt you again

What makes him better?
Maybe he wrote u a more promising love letter
Why am I so mad?
Cause I can’t believe you’d make a decision so bad

Why did I try to get so close?
I don’t know but one of the bad things i chose
Why is my heart so weak?
Because it has finally reached its peak

Why wont I fight for you?
Because I say what i say and the rest is up to you
Why bother writing this
For you to see the message, and maybe I’m that pissed

Why couldn't you tell me?
Scared, maybe some reasoning u thought I could not see
What’s this poem meant to do?
To show I’m just as confused but over you.... 

Definition Of Nice
Tyrone Alcorn

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