Apr 30, 2015

A Months Time

A Months Time

Audio File:
A Months Time Audio

I wondered what your excuse would be...
It's been at least a month since you've talked to me
Not a single text , no phone calls , emails, visits, Facebook or Skype calls
Which for a woman who just proclaimed her love proves quite odd
I refuse to break this eery silence once again in order to save "us"
Us...whatever that is...
This situationship is more work than the slightly more committed thing we seem to avoid..
Sometimes I feel we are both guilty of treating these things called hearts as playful little toys
I as always...reached to you week 2, with a simple text
It read "2 weeks huh"....
Feeling dumb , with no reply I called that evening which you would say you'd call back
I waited for that...do you know I wait for no one, that I'm long passed chasing for the fun?
I'm sure you know I'd rather play that Russian game with the gun...Oo yea.. roulette
Week 3 came and foolishly I visit
At work none the less
Where you live, where you stay, where you stress...
So when I enter seeing your beauty, I suddenly have nothing to say...
So what comes out is "hey"
As you ask me what's up I snap back instantly!
What the hell is going on!?, are you ignoring me !? Is this over, are you done??
Because if so ...I'd just like to know
I'd like to know how is it you say first I love you but clearly it is I who shows
You tell me no, "I've been busy, and working"
And everything in me immediately says "that's ALL you have to say!? "
My anger and pain says "Fuck you!"
In my head of course
What really came out was, "ok"
"You can call me when you're free"...
I constantly keep running and running fast
To chase your ass, texting you first, calling you first, finding you first!
Ignoring the thirst until finally my brain and my heart coincide to say At last! You get it...
You questioned my ability to love you properly
Yet you not once chased me and could not once compromise.
I never asked for much, just effort
Effort even through my early lies
Since it didn't lead to our demise
I vowed to fight through your steal pride
The same pride that denies me
The same pride that loses me
Finding love in you, was easy
Easy enough for me to consistently think of you
Each and every day
Thinking would I see you today, would you let me have my way
I love it because I knew it was no.
It was easy enough to call you midday Monday through Friday in the middle of my work day, just to converse for few minutes.
Happiness was easy because your voice did it.
Easy enough to send good morning text or hey, hellos, every couple days in the inconsistent distance that followed our sexual encounters
The complications of this situationship
And in just over a year all the shit we've been through
Somehow through many, down to a few, then simply it became JUST you...
So interestingly enough through juggling a business, 2 jobs, fucked up family dilemmas,  unnecessary drama, life, I tripped into your arms and fell in your love trap
I GUESS you were just too fucking "busy"...to love back.

By: Taidon Speaks

Dec 16, 2014

TruthBeTuesdays #1 (Her Words)


Her word play stays on my brain bout as permanent as my name, that twist you feel in your chest as your deepest pain...that’s how she grips my chest. How I let you free to roam amongst the rest... my test...move forward knowing he stole the best. I’m saying I thought about you today, and yesterday, when I wake and when I lay...shit you still got it babe.  My inspiration into these stanzas that used to coincide with your rhymes and remedy, way back with you and me our poems served as the worlds interrogation. Regulations to the drama, you were daughter to my mama and beyond all my right hand, my Bonnie, my partner.  But just reflections...photographs...and now that it’s free back to my protection, They say the color for coward is yellow...man you know I hate yellow, but it was yellow how I just went and let go...so...hello...just in case you see it...hello....hello...

By: Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.
Taidon aka Definition Of Nice

Oct 27, 2014


Are you lost in love, or drowning in lust? Is it better to renew what's decaying, or live with the rust? Time is not infinite, are we wasting it? Because I heard the homeless guy tell me be aware! Jesus is near ! He reads from the last book, do you hear!? Well...I mean he made sense...and yet...I question what life would be like on the other side of the fence...damn! We aren't listening! We question which is brighter, when does it matter if all is cast to fire!? That's logic...so to live...or to wonder? When the sky cracks with thunder, where is it you hide under? Whom is your 'other' ? And please I pray you don't stand in this wrath with Rihannas umbrella...hmph...that'll take a minute....but while that soaks in, let's swim back to the surface. To start is to finish, and love can never diminish, it is not meant for the squeamish, it will light up your world and sicken you to the core. Damn! This lust though, it...decays, it will eventually wither in rain, it canNOT withstand the pain, and the latter alternative it is false but tasteful...to time, it is wasteful, so I believe I am mistaken, we must find where our hearts where taken, and forecast a rains to cleanse and binge rays of sunshine. Drunk with love. Where questions are not needed, our future is seeded, and faith is trust...So as grow weary I ask to the contrary...Are you lost in lust? Or drowning in love?

Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.
Definition Of Nice

Jul 11, 2014

Who Is She?

I miss you baby, my sweet Sadie, you've been all around the world.
You've been one bad girl, sweet though, with that deceitful smile.
All the while, I have been loyal to your cause.
With your actions I've lost, and others gained.
Hard to be mad since you've turned me from a lame, onto a relationship with destiny. 
Yet fucking my enemies, skillfully keeping me blind. 
Your skeletons I'm not meant to find, but the truth I have derived.
From there, I had to expose.
To every man and every girl, given a side you never chose.
I turned my experience to lessons, so many say I'm a blessing.
But you...I still fucking love you.
This love hate, irrate, beloved, twisted cycle.
I'd call you crazy, but then you'd be the universal psycho.
Why can I never just get the best without the worst!?
I guess since birth we are told there must be balance.
The challenge is change. And change is constant.
Should have listened to the warnings from my mama.
A bitch you are but I miss you Karma.

By: Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.
Taidon aka Definition Of Nice

Jun 25, 2014

The Grind

What is Grind?
Grind is the persistence
The insistence to assist
Those who living without
Proves no purpose to existence
So with no doubt we persist
Growing the taskslist to success
Constantly getting knocked out
Soldiers we are balling our fist
Ready to stand and go one more bout
Till what we have is none left
Success...is grind
The grind is not for mines
Bigger than I,  it I for They
For whom I wake each day
They are the why, the focus in my eye
For as long as they need, they shall call we
And we shall commit to the grind...
Those who whine of grind from sun up to sun down.
Do not see the grind is not part time
This is sun up to sun up, and so without a frown
All smiles like a clown
All the while success is on the line
How far will you go?
Will you stay down, or grow?
When life pushes back is when true soldiers show
If talking is what you do
This grind you'll never know
Those who hustle in silence stand true
So which are you?
The Grind.

By: Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.

The Definition Of Nice

Jun 5, 2014

Adams Apple

A good man isn't a perfect one, a good man is an honest man, a good man will know no boundaries to bettering himself, a good man is selfless, not selfish, and understanding. A good man is not demanding, in fact a good man is your servant, to your mind, body and soul. A good man will see your pain and give you HIS heart to hold. A good man isn't a perfect one...he may move from servant to serpent, sneaking in the shadows and leaving venom coursing through veins...you now curse his name. However a good man is not fatal, and do you hate? No but hurt ? Yes! As the stress on your heart build as love digress,  what is your focus? Will it be the good man's worst, or the good man's best. Will you accept your extended memories  with a servant or your short woes with a serpent? A good man knows time spent, he knows days your back bent in cause of him, he knows scratches from going to the edge of tree limbs, for him, he knows the tears cried in happiness and in pain from him, because a Good man may be a woe but never a foe. A good man remains to massage out the pains, to dry the tears , to bring sunshine out from rain, he has done wrong, but fights to reclaim. A bad man is ONLY a serpent, A serpent with a home. A bad man cannot be domesticated, and as you cry your tears nightly he will not waver but feel liberated. Keeping you down is the mission, a bad man is not concerned with you living, nor being forgiven.  You may die from the bite a 1000 times, empty apologies and repetitive lines. See a bad man never grows, he simply rewinds. But a good man is not fatal, just a thought. As you try to teach a serpent domesticated ways, and so quickly end the servants stay. Let me insert these words if I may. A good man...isn't a perfect one..

By: Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.
Definition Of Nice

Jun 20, 2013

Blind Leap

I am giving you the proof
How low must I stoop
To prove any further that I am here
What must I do?
Should I go back to the future?
Where I see happiness and solidity
Serenity and the key was you and me?
What if time were measures of length?
Take a leap of faith, praise your strength
Now is a time to listen as I admire you openly
In the airwaves, internet, telegrams,
Whether now or tomorrows AM
These words stretched far and wide to reach your ears
If friendship is a destiny, then makeshift a story
Fit it where it needs to be.
Give up never, I AM THE DEFINITION
And they say I am the leader of the free world endeavors
Never fearing to go beyond what is proven to seem impossible
Overcoming obstacles such as time.
Distracting the thing we call fate with rhymes that act as mimes
So that I may act out the actions that will turn diamonds from grime.
Keep flexing your thickened exterior, while your insides soften
I'll be waiting to fill her
Not simply sexually but intellectually binding, emotionally blinding
I still navigate to your heart without GPS
I simply am just residing late to the signal screaming distress
But a guess...would say... even if another came to save the day
I copied the key long ago...when your ready...your heart is where I stay.

Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.
Definition Of Nice aka Taidon

True Verse

Too bad you weren't here to see
Too bad you weren't there to hear
The stanzas recited from my mouth to a overfilled crowd
Were the words of truth gliding across the room
Freed from its tomb within,
To reiterate I am unsure where to begin...
Should I start where I recognized your ambition
How it turned all 1000 gears in my body like a key in the ignition
Can I start my story where I reunited with the missing piece
Of me...where we completed a perfect scene
After unknown gaps of time, we linked old yesterdays with new tomorrows
Spilling rhymes together that collaborated into a vision.
Too bad life is an intervention
Too bad you felt I never paid attention
The stanzas flowing from my brain were hard to swim in
A room that tried to hear them suddenly became muddled
Only you would understand,
Truth is you filled the piece to see my inner Man.
Amazed at how much dedication given by you
How much evolution of my gifts forced by you
You are truth
I could easily start the story in midst of my denial
Your love vs. The state of my Emotions
I stand trial
Crime committed: Neglection
Failure to acknowledge the detection of loneliness
Failure to make progress in watering our seed
So instead of blossoming we digress
Alone you bleed from the same love that let you undress
Became your stress...
Too bad I didn't let you know earlier
Too bad I wasn't there so you could be when it mattered
Because the stanzas spilling from my lips were gold
The dreams of possibilities of growing old...together
Scary thoughts of the million word story I can tell with four letters
I guess I’ll start my story when you are ready to hear
The truth that I know you inside first, and outside bare
I see the pain I left that another mends
But don’t you dare speak the words ‘I don’t care’
If I lose the trial against your love then eternity I still have to try again
And again and again till you accept my appeal
Friends forever was predetermined
Since 6 when eyes met and God pressed begin
And again...at the beginning of new life we proved this real
Your heart is not mines to steal, but still I would like to openly say to you
I love you...not you, but You. 
The tears falling inside because pride does not permit
The smiles to self humor you find in people living life what they think to themselves
The happiness you gain with the discovery of a new dish
The food creations you formulate form your shelves
The satisfaction and sexiness you get when you talk that ish...
Then proceeding to prove, secretly hoping to be challenged and overpowered
Your care and flaunting of your body, outshining any diamond
Who knew playing with those dandelions would grow you to a beautiful flower
Too bad you do not know this,
Too bad I opened a wound
Too bad he is there to fix it.

The stanzas I just wrote were just a reflection of my dues.

Tyrone Alcorn, Jr.
Definition Of Nice

Jun 13, 2013

Thoughts of The Neptunian

I am not a Martian, I hail from Neptune as they say. To the contrary however I am as warm as sunlight running the sides of this planet we call Earth. Females seek my warmth, miles away, yearning to be comforted by a body of familiarity. How is it I am much further and distant, but you relate? How is it you yourself are so cold? Is it because females hail from the heat driven planet of Venus, stranded...on this rock we cal Earth. They are chilled and misunderstood from the male domination running ice trails, from Mars. This rock is warmth so they adapt and made for each other these species are. What sets me apart...being from much colder depths, analyzing this ‘alien’ species they call humans...and in deeper depths what they call ‘female’. Emotional creatures they are...seeking my adaption of warmth, companionship, my understanding of them and taking advantage of the intent to learn more, to listen to every cipher of sound that is muddled from their mouths. Using my ‘foreign’ abilities to build dams across their eyes to eradicate the meaning of cry. With reflexes faster than light catching each every drop of love and care that drips from their lips? Where I am from we waste nothing, so why should this treasure...be any different. Using my super hearing to hear the calls for help within, without her needing to say a word...is this what they conflict with being near me. Do I scare you...or do I simply reflect what you are missing...Segregation or alienation of my presence is inevitable...Maybe you are simply alien...to your needs. I can be blinded and still see.

By: Tyrone Alcorn, Jt.
Definition Of Nice

May 17, 2013


I feel...so I write...in fact I vibe
To the strings of my emotions
Intact with the rhythmic motions
I call it my poetic ocean
Ironic I broke with a girl resembling Ms. Ambrosius
Only to become lost with a love I came to loathe
Maybe Natalie Stewart can help, is she who I should seek?
I befriended her clone and again broke... when with her I should be
How I see, I have lost my flow, and the shade from my tree
How can the poetic be floetic when I have broke my personal Floetry?
The mistakes lie in the past, where the truth isn't, and apology is the absentee
Is Ms. Badu’s words true? Because I believe it’s she who should call me
Amazing what we come to unwind in time
About who we are, who we grow into, the motivations and inspirations
My dedication to these assembly of rhymes is for you
And you...and you...and yes you,
For the many I have parted and the few who hold a piece
A piece of the heart that bleeds with the emotion
The potion is your tears, and mines
The lessons we learned, that have become my light
I feel...so I write...In fact I vibe
With life
Everything and where we are is for a reason they say...
So apart is where we should stay

Tyrone Alcorn Jr.
Definition Of Nice